Personal Locator Beacon


Following generous funding by the Canterbury Community Trust the Club has purchased 2 Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) along with a suite of local hard copy 1:50,000 topo maps to promote the safety message to the Club members. Although one unit will be dedicated to the MTB Captain, when not in use on Club rides or trips they both can be available for current members provided they abide by the conditions of use (below).

In order for the PLBs to be effective when activated, the Club has to register both units separately (each has its own recognisable identifier)with the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) via the website. As all 3 Club “contacts” will need to know who has what unit, where and when, it is imperative that this information is passed on accurately. This is best done via a standardized registration process when a member is wanting to borrow one. It may be a bit cumbersome at first, but hopefully we can tweak it over time to make it user friendly.

Download the PLB registration form here.

Contact us to book a PLB.

Personal Locator Beacon- Free for club members to use

Please  fully read the information on these links before copying and completing the PLB registration form and sending to the booking person.

This document outlines how the club manages the issue of the beacons.

Physical Holding of Beacons
One person shall be allocated by the Committee to manage the clubs beacons (currently the acting Pres). The beacons need not physically be held by this person, but they will be accountable for them at all times. This person is responsible for ensuring that the beacons are in good working order, serviced when required, and have been issued in accordance with this clubs policy.

The club owns and operates 2 GME 410 g beacons:
Availability for Use
The beacons are for use by Current financial Members only for a land based trip when available.

To check availability  please contact us 
The loan PLB (Unit 2) will be able to be booked well in advance by contacting the current holder while the MTB PLB (Unit 1) priority will be weekend forest rides etc, so availability will need to be checked with the MTB captain.

Cost and Liability
As use of the units will effect safety in the outback and as they have been obtained through a community trust, the Club would like to encourage their use by not charging, however all liability for their use, misuse, damage or loss is the responsibility of the borrower.
• You lose the beacon – You pay to replace it
• You damage the beacon – You pay to repair it
• You activate the beacon or damage the security seal – You pay to reset it, and pay for the replacement battery

Member use of the beacon
To borrow a PLB you must

• Confirm unit availability by contacting the current “holder” directly (or booking calendar on sg website in the future??).
Note; First priority is with the loan PLB (Unit 2).
• Become aware of how to use the PLB in “anger” and “accidental” activation  by reading;
1. The Unit PLB instructions here
2. Read the Q & A on “how to activate” etc from the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) website

• You must then FULLY complete the registration/check sheet with ALL  the required information and email it to the Club booking person for approval. The booking person will then return the approved
• Immediately notify the booking person of any changes of details


Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) (website contact us)
In an emergency call the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ):
•0508 472 269
•0508 4RCCNZ

If you accidentally set off your beacon, turn it off and immediately call:
•0508 472 269

For non-urgent enquiries and to update beacon registration information, call RCCNZ:
•0800 406 111
•Or 0508 406 111
•Or +64 4 577 8033

Mapworld (for unit reset and warranty issues)
MapWorld, New Zealand
P O Box 12271
Christchurch 8242

Freephone: 0800 MapWorld (0800 627967)
or (+ 64) 03 374 5399


41 Moorhouse Ave
Christchurch 8011

Club Responsibilities

Ensure system in place to;

  •  PLBs registration/contact details are accurate and up to date.
  • Pres/Sec/treas recheck details on after each AGM
  • Member borrowing of PLBs
  •  Ensure booking/registration/ICE details are being notified to registered  Club contacts through booking reg system
  •  Ensure “contacts” are kept aware of any bookings
  •  Keep a regular back up copy of the current club membership contact spread sheet
  •  Any ride leaders borrowing the MTB Unit will need to notify the MTB captain  and “contacts”
  •  PLB units are functioning correctly;
  • Monthly check by holders
  • Ensure units are reset correctly following activation
  •  To be carried out by authorised dealer by returning to Mapworld (nb new premises on Moorhouse Ave)
  •  Warranty issues etc
  •  Maintain copies of proof of purchase etc from Mapworld
  •  Note life of the PLB batteries expire Aug 2018